Introducing the Erhu

Welcome to Erhu Lessons. The Erhu is a beautiful string instrument that is thousands of years old. Simple in its design, it produces dramatic notes and has been used throughout Chinese culture.

Community comments

Hello Miss ling could activate the subtitles in other languages are beginner but I love the sound of erhu and I want to learn to play unfortunately my English is not so good
4th Dec 2016 12:54:50
Sorry, I can't do that. the subtitle doesn't come out well, so there is no point to do that. Ling
9th Dec 2016 08:27:37
Hi Ling! When u want to put the erhu in its case, do u need to loose the bow, take it out of the two strings, and put it in with the erhu in its case, or do u just leave the bow along with the erhu and put it in?
23rd Jul 2019 01:04:16
No, you don't need to move the bow, just gently bring it up and hanging on the peg.
30th Jul 2019 04:42:20
Hello Ling I loved the piece you played at the end of this video. Could you please tell me the name of this piece so that I can learn to play it later on? Regards Xavier
3rd Nov 2019 05:44:25
My erhu arrived today! Thank you for these online lessons. I'm excited to get started!
27th Mar 2020 07:14:58
Great! I hope you enjoy the lessons
5th Apr 2020 02:00:31
Bonjour, je suis contente d’avoir trouvé ce site car je vais débuter le erhu, vos explications sont claires et j’ai réussi à avoir quelques réponses à mes questions, je voudrais vous demander pour la partie haute de l’instrument, à quelle hauteur on fixe le chevalet , et est ce qu’ doit être fixé ou peut bouger ? les deux cordes seront- elles à coincer dedans? Ce qui veut dire que du bas vers le haut l’espace Entre les cordes rétréci? Et Elles se touchent au niveau du chevalet ? Il y a t’il des mesures idéales qui sépare les deux cordes dès la bases (en bas). Merci déjà pour votre réponse
7th Apr 2020 10:06:25
Sorry, I don't understand French. could you please put this in Google translation and then put in here. thank you!
13th Apr 2020 06:31:46
Good Morning Shifu Ling. How many hours of Erhu practice a day is correct? I wanted to say Thank You very much for making this website. I have always wanted to learn Erhu and your teaching style is perfect for me to follow along with. I am excited to get started!
23rd Mar 2021 01:23:38
I hope you enjoy the lesson. As I said if you have a problem. please email me. Thanks Ling
25th Mar 2021 06:35:42

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