拔根芦柴花 Picking Lu Chai Flower
This tune has featured in Batty Chan's book, I think lots of you have tried this tune. If you have and been strugle with the finger slide in the music, please do watch this at this video.
The 3rd bar with 3rd row down, there are marks for slide on the forth finger after you played the second, which is very hard to do and almost impossible to have nice tune when you doing that.
Also on the 5th bar with 4th row, the first note, same problem.
So if you watch this video, in the beginning and the end, he played the tune and watch carefully, he did not use slide there.
The 3rd bar with 3rd row down, there are marks for slide on the forth finger after you played the second, which is very hard to do and almost impossible to have nice tune when you doing that.
Also on the 5th bar with 4th row, the first note, same problem.
So if you watch this video, in the beginning and the end, he played the tune and watch carefully, he did not use slide there.
Posted: 8th November 2015